New trends in outdoor mobile advertising in the future

New trends in outdoor mobile advertising in the future

As the technology of outdoor high-definition LED displays matures, the development trend of outdoor mobile advertising has gradually attracted attention. In the past few years, people’s demand for outdoor mobile advertising has continued to increase, so the development of outdoor mobile advertising has become more and more important. In this article, 3UVIEW will explore the development trends of outdoor mobile advertising and analyze new trends that may emerge in the future.


First, the popularity of mobile devices has had a significant impact on the development of outdoor mobile advertising. With the widespread application of LED double-sided screens on car roofs, transparent LED screens on taxi rear windows, LED screens on buses, and LED screens on takeaway trucks, in this case, outdoor mobile advertising can reach the target audience more accurately. Of course, by placing mobile advertisements on online ride-hailing services, taxis, buses, and takeout boxes, the number of advertisements can be increased, thereby improving the effectiveness of advertising.

Taxi Rear Window Transparent LED Display  Advertising

Secondly, the development of big data and artificial intelligence technology has also brought new development opportunities to outdoor mobile advertising. Through big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology, advertisers can more accurately understand users’ interests and preferences, so that the content can be novel, humorous, and interesting to attract the public’s attention. At the same time, artificial intelligence technology can also help advertisers adjust advertising content in real time based on user behavior and interests, improving the personalization and accuracy of advertising. sss

In addition, the application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology has also brought a new experience to outdoor mobile advertising. Through virtual reality and augmented reality technology, outdoor mobile advertising can more vividly display the characteristics of products and services, attract users’ attention, and improve the attractiveness and conversion rate of advertising. With the continuous advancement of virtual reality and augmented reality technology, the experience of outdoor mobile advertising will continue to be improved, bringing users a richer advertising viewing experience.

takeway box led display advertising

In the future, we can foresee that more innovative technologies will bring new development opportunities to outdoor mobile advertising. For example, the application of IoT technology will make outdoor mobile advertising more intelligently interact with the surrounding environment; the popularization of 5G technology will make the content of outdoor mobile advertising richer and more high-definition; the application of blockchain technology will make the data of outdoor mobile advertising more Safe and trustworthy. Overall, the future development of outdoor mobile advertising will be more diversified and intelligent.

Post time: Dec-12-2023